Studiengang Life Science Innovation [Master]

Studiengang Name Englisch:Life Science Innovation
Abschlussbezeichnung:Master of Science
Studienform(en): Vollzeit
Regelstudienzeit (Semester):3 Semester
Vorpraktikum erforderlich:nein
Zugangs-/Zulassungsvoraussetzung: Hochschuleigenes Auswahlverfahren
Zulassung Sonstiges:

abgeschlossenes affines grundständiges Hochschulstudium

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch
Auslandssemester vorgesehen:empfohlen
Praxissemester vorgesehen:nein

Do you want to develop or improve products and processes in the life science industry? Life Science Innovation optimally prepares you for your dream job in product or process design. In this research-oriented Master's program, you will acquire the necessary research qualifications in 3 semesters.
The world needs you: e.g. to develop new, environmentally friendly packaging materials or to perform research on urgently needed food and pharmaceutical products. Study Life Science Innovation and be the right person to help test future exciting products. Last but not least, you will learn about the latest high tech research programmes, how to formulate targeted research proposals and how to publish your own research results.

Life Science Innovation – why we're a good match

Proximity to research
Take advantage of the opportunity to participate in research projects at the InnovationsCampus Sigmaringen. During your master's degree, you will have a wide range of contacts with our research groups in the field of life sciences. Perhaps you would like to do a doctorate afterwards?

We offer all modules in attendance. However, you can also study from home and only need to be at the university a few times per week.

The master's program LSI is held exclusively in English. German language skills are an advantage, but not a prerequisite.
Look forward to your dream job
• in production companies in the life science industry (food, pharma, cosmetics)
• in process engineering or facility construction companies
• at universities and in research institutes (Fraunhofer Institutes, etc.)
• in our own research institutes

Internationaler Studiengang:nein
Studienbereiche:Ingenieurwissenschaften allgemein
Hochschulart:Hochschulen für angewandte Wissenschaften (Fachhochschulen)
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Hochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen

Anton-Günther-Str. 51
72488 Sigmaringen
Tel.: (07571) 732 8224

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