Studiengang American Studies [Master]

Studiengang Name Englisch:American Studies
Abschlussbezeichnung:Master of Arts
Studienform(en): Vollzeit
Regelstudienzeit (Semester):4 Semester
Vorpraktikum erforderlich:nein
Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch
Auslandssemester vorgesehen:empfohlen
Praxissemester vorgesehen:nein
Internationaler Studiengang:nein
Schwerpunkte:Our selective two-year Master program in American Studies offers comprehensive training in the methods and theories of American Studies and multifaceted knowledge and insights in the literatures, cultures, history, and society of the United States. The wide variety of courses in the program ranges from those on America’s colonial past and early literary culture to those covering contemporary themes in race, class, gender, religious, ethnic, and regional studies. We pride ourselves on offering students an interdisciplinary curriculum which emphasizes student autonomy as well as academic collaboration and exchange. The four cornerstones of our M.A. program are: - American Literature and Culture - Interdisciplinary Profile - Research - Practice Within this structure, students will apply the fundamental theoretical framework of American Studies to complete collaborative and independent research projects. Each year, our department welcomes a number of esteemed guest professors from international universities. Teaching lectures and seminars, our guests bring new and innovative research and perspectives to students of American Studies. All students of American Studies are encouraged to spend time in an English-speaking country. This is an invaluable opportunity for students to work with experienced professionals in a different academic environment.
Studienbereiche:Anglistik, Amerikanistik
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