Studiengang Data Science in Business and Economics [Master]

Studiengang Name Englisch:Data Science in Business and Economics
Abschlussbezeichnung:Master of Science
Studienform(en): Vollzeit
Regelstudienzeit (Semester):4 Semester
Vorpraktikum erforderlich:nein
Zugangs-/Zulassungsvoraussetzung: Hochschuleigenes Auswahlverfahren
Zulassung Sonstiges:

Bewerbungsschluss abweichend bereits am 15. Mai

Auch im höheren Fachsemester zulassungsbeschränkt

Unterrichtssprache: Englisch
Auslandssemester vorgesehen:nein
Praxissemester vorgesehen:nein

Areas of Specialization

  • Econometrics
  • Business and Economics
  • Data Science Techniques, e.g.:
    • Algorithms
    • Data Science Project Management
    • Database Systems
    • Basics of Machine Learning
    • Statistical Machine Learning
    • Probabilistic Inference and Learning
    • Deep Learning
    • Working with Python
    • Applying Machine Learning in Business and Economics
    • Bayesian Inference

* in cooperation with the Dept. of Computer Science

Internationaler Studiengang:nein

Data Science is a vibrant, interdisciplinary and rapidly growing field. Data scientists must be able to acquire and understand complex and unstructured data, they must be able to interpret the meaning of the results, and they must be able to communicate the results to relevant stakeholders. Hence, Data Science requires a unique combination of (1) econometrics and statistics, (2) programming skills, and (3) domain knowledge. This four-semester M.Sc. program reflects these requirements for a unique skill set, and students who enroll in this programm specialize in econometrics and they select from a broad set of modules on different aspects of business and economics. On top of that, they enroll in modules on data science techniques, which includes programming in R and python as well as the possibility to enroll in courses in Machine Learning in collaboration with the computer science department.

Fächergruppe:Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften allgemein
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72074 Tübingen
Tel.: (07071) 29 72555
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