Studiengang Master Management [Master]
Studiengang Name Englisch: | Master Management |
Abschluss: | Master |
Abschlussbezeichnung: | Master of Arts |
Studienform(en): |
berufsbegleitend |
Studienbeginn: | ws |
Regelstudienzeit (Semester): | 4 Semester |
Vorpraktikum erforderlich: | nein |
Zulassungsbeschränkung: | ja |
Zugangs-/Zulassungsvoraussetzung: |
Hochschuleigenes Auswahlverfahren Sprachliche Voraussetzung |
Zulassung Sprache: | English Language Proficiency As the Master's programs are fully taught in English we require proof that you have the necessary English language proficiency. For that we accept the following certificates: |
Zulassung Sonstiges: | Eligibility and Educational background You are eligible to apply for the program if you have completed
Unterrichtssprache: |
Englisch |
Auslandssemester vorgesehen: | nein |
Praxissemester vorgesehen: | nein |
Studiengebühren: | 4140 |
Besonderheiten: | Whatever you consider to be the 'reality' of the economy today, whatever meaning you take away from that, it is always influenced by external and internal factors. Sometimes these factors go along pretty well and sometimes they are in opposition. When it comes to breathing life, however, every action and every interaction is performed. How that performance goes and what it results in depends on social and cultural context(s); that is, on a personal and an institutional level. In contrast to the prevailing concept of 'man-as-machine' in management studies, you need to understand what makes people tick, how they shape and are shaped by culture, and how society as a whole progresses in order to be successful at what you do. Young professionals like you need to be qualified for management and leadership functions in business – but beyond that, in society. In that, you are able to understand, accompany and actively design social and cultural change in any management position you would like to obtain. That is what we provide in this Master's degree Management. We don't spoon-feed you mere factual knowledge or a 'universal truth'. You do get insights into relevant fields, theories and practices. But the focus is really on the interaction between everyone involved. Individual experiences and opinions are appreciated, discussed and worked on together. You will re-think established paths and tread new ones on the basis of an embodied sense of responsibility, empathy, sustainability, and expertise. |
Internationaler Studiengang: | ja |
Schwerpunkte: | Cultural Change & Society, Brand, New Media, Sustainability & Urban Development, Critical Tourism, Finance, Intercultural Competence, Human Resources & Diversity, Creativity & Innovation Master's degree Management: The Modules Now, why choose between being a generalist or a specialist? In the Master Management you can become both. The common basis for all students is the modules in General Management and Personal Skills. You add to that an individual selection of two out of these seven areas of Specialization: > Sustainability & Urban Development > Globalization, Governance & Trade For detailed information about each module please see the module descriptions. |
Fächergruppe: | Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften allgemein |
Studienbereiche: | Wirtschaftswissenschaften |
Hochschulart: | Hochschulen in freier Trägerschaft |
Stadt: | Karlsruhe |
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