Studiengang Master in Social TransFormation – Politics, Philosophy & Economics M.A. [Master]
Studiengang Name Englisch: | Master in Social TransFormation – Politics, Philosophy & Economics M.A. |
Abschluss: | Master |
Abschlussbezeichnung: | Master of Arts |
Studienform(en): |
berufsbegleitend |
Studienbeginn: | ws |
Regelstudienzeit (Semester): | 4 Semester |
Vorpraktikum erforderlich: | nein |
Zulassungsbeschränkung: | nein |
Zugangs-/Zulassungsvoraussetzung: |
Hochschuleigenes Auswahlverfahren Sprachliche Voraussetzung |
Zulassung Sprache: | English Language Proficiency As the Master's programs are fully taught in English we require proof that you have the necessary English language proficiency. For that we accept the following certificates: |
Zulassung Sonstiges: | Eligibility and Educational background You are eligible to apply for the program if you have completed
Unterrichtssprache: |
Englisch |
Auslandssemester vorgesehen: | nein |
Praxissemester vorgesehen: | nein |
Studiengebühren: | 4.140 |
Besonderheiten: | The Master in Social TransFormation – Politics, Philosophy & Economics is situated in, and responds to, calls of our current time and for a more sustainable future to come. Our present economic and socio-political situation and its complex globalized context, is characterized by a multiple crisis, unethical practices and unsustainable developments. Understanding and dealing with these realities require a more integral approach and holistic perspectives. On the academic and public policy fronts, this is due to the fact that conventional theoretical and empirical approaches are fragmented, oftenmerely focusing on one specialized discipline, which is inadequate. Isolated perspectives are insufficient for a much needed comprehensive and inter- and transdisciplinary understanding of the pressing political, social and cultural as well as ecological/economic challenges we face. Furthermore, with the emergence of new forms of populism, nationalism, and the rising tide of authoritarianism, and fundamentalism, democratic institutions are weakened and civic liberties restricted. Accordingly, there is a growing need for thinking and acting in terms of a post-national and intercultural orientation, especially concerning meaningful policy-making and collective-decision-making. Based on these developments and needs, the overarching objective of this master program is to qualify students to become adept andresponsible that is ethically reflective leaders (or being part of team-leadership or distributed leadership practices), who can analyse critically and deal with uncertain, conflictual or ambiguous situations and problems in our complexified world. Studying the master program “Master in Social TransFormation – Politics, Philosophy & Economics” enables one to critically analyze, understand and reflect in a holistic way. |
Internationaler Studiengang: | ja |
Schwerpunkte: | The master study program “Master in Social TransFormation – Politics, Philosophy, and Economics” at Karls is among the very few English-only programs in the German speaking countries. In particular, it has an edge with its focus on a culturalist and integral perspective that aims at understanding the interplay of philosophy, politics and economics as well as transformational perspectives as an interwoven nexus. There are specific potential synergies and possibilities to integrate with the existing Master management structure and students. As this is a non-management program, some of the more generalist, holistic specializations and modules apply, e.g. from “Cultural Change & Society” and “Sustainability” along with some aspects of the main Master program already in place (Culture, Markets & Consumption; Governance: Norms, Rules, Rituals; Legitimacy: Ethics & Aesthetics). |
Fächergruppe: | Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften allgemein |
Studienbereiche: | Rechts-, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften allgemein |
Hochschulart: | Hochschulen in freier Trägerschaft |
Stadt: | Karlsruhe |
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